中国驾驶员盛赞 Mobileye SuperVision™
中国驾驶员上传他们自己的内容,以展示Mobileye SuperVision™在ZEEKR 001上的成功。

Drivers who received the OTA update to Mobileye's SuperVision™ documented ten impressive driving scenarios.
This last fall, Chinese automotive brand ZEEKR launched a major over-the-air (OTA) update to 110,000 of its 001 models that support highly automated driving features powered by Mobileye SuperVision™. The update delivered full navigate-on-pilot capabilities in specified domains to the Navigation ZEEKR Pilot (NZP) driving assistance system, and drivers responded by uploading videos documenting their experiences of it.
The update leverages SuperVision’s 11-camera 360° surround vision sensing capability and additional Mobileye technology, all of which provides the system with the ability to construct an environmental model and extract semantic information such as common speed and average drivable path. These advanced capabilities allow the system to “think” ahead and make predictions based on a full understanding of the driving environment.
This video collation covers ten real-life driving scenarios (numbered from 10 to 1) showcasing NZP’s impressive new features. You can witness how Mobileye SuperVision™ drives safely and naturally, mimicking how human drivers negotiate the road in challenging situations that are difficult even for them, including evading a bus entering the vehicle's lane on the highway, avoiding stopped vehicles, and successfully navigating complex construction zones.
Click on the video below for more.